Asifiwe Alumni
Welcome, ACE Alumni! Whether you are a recent or seasoned ACE grad, we know that the journey doesn’t end when your term does. The friendships you’ve made and skills you’ve gained are only one part of being a lifelong ACE family member.

Isaiah Asiimwe Kakitahi
Asifiwe International cultivated a deep appreciation for sports. I actively participated in basketball on the school courts and frequently played at Harp Hamilton.

Isaiah Asiimwe Kakitahi
Asifiwe International cultivated a deep appreciation for sports. I actively participated in basketball on the school courts and frequently played at Harp Hamilton.

David Namara
The A.C.E program has been such an amazing journey for me. I started the journey 10 grades ago and it has been one of ups and downs. But on the whole, it has been a journey that I have enjoyed greatly.

David Namara
The A.C.E program has been such an amazing journey for me. I started the journey 10 grades ago and it has been one of ups and downs. But on the whole, it has been a journey that I have enjoyed greatly.

Samuel Kibirige
My name is Kibirige Samuel Lutwama. I became a part of Asifiwe in 2020, and the last four years have been quite a ride. My experience here has had its highs and lows, but I’m really thankful for how far I’ve come.

Samuel Kibirige
My name is Kibirige Samuel Lutwama. I became a part of Asifiwe in 2020, and the last four years have been quite a ride. My experience here has had its highs and lows, but I’m really thankful for how far I’ve come.

Joshua Musaasizi
If you told me three years ago that I would join the A.C.E. Curriculum and even become a graduate, I would have called you delusional. Fortunately, this isn’t an illusion or imagination, but a reality. Accelerated Christian Education was an unexpected light at the end of the tunnel during the COVID-19 lockdown for me in 2021.

Joshua Musaasizi
If you told me three years ago that I would join the A.C.E. Curriculum and even become a graduate, I would have called you delusional. Fortunately, this isn’t an illusion or imagination, but a reality. Accelerated Christian Education was an unexpected light at the end of the tunnel during the COVID-19 lockdown for me in 2021.
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